The Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy are the focus of this group which meets each Monday evening at 7 pm.

Father in Heaven, we come before you as beloved members of the Body of Christ.

We are grateful for the abundant blessings you have bestowed on our parish and we praise you for the movement of your grace in the lives of our parishioners.

We humbly ask for your guidance as we seek to know and do your will, to worship you as you desire to be adored, to care for our fellow parishioners in their spiritual and physical needs, to provide a parish school and religious education program which authentically transmit the Catholic faith and lead the children to your Son, and to bring the person of Jesus to the wider community in word and deed, especially in the form of vocations.

Heal us of our pride so that we may accept your Word.

Heal us of our disobedience so that we may be good stewards of the Gospel.

Fill us with your Spirit to embolden our faith, hope, and charity.

Fill our priests, deacons, and religious with courage and comfort.

Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Apollinaris, grant us the Mercy for which we thirst and the grace to be true imitators of Christ.
