Confirmation for Youth

At St. Apollinaris, Confirmation preparation is a two-year process in which the candidates learn how to know, love, and serve God through regular classes with prayer, discussion, catechesis, Works of Mercy, and participation in the Liturgy.

Youth who are in 6th grade or above, who have received the Sacrament of Baptism and First Holy Communion, may enter into the Confirmation program. Confirmation preparation lasts two years and students are confirmed at the end of 7th grade (or above). 

  • Each week, your child will attend Confirmation class on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:15pm.
  • Your child will also attend the Confirmation Retreat at St. Apollinaris.

To find our more information about registering your child for Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office at 707-255-7200 or email: Mrs. Christine Walsh at